18u9XJV35J2vCTccw5gLRp5Ha69fdJe1fK 『詐欺メール』



メール本文Good Day!!, your acc has been infected! Renew the password this time!

You dont know anything about me and you maybe surprised for what reason
you’re reading this particular letter, possibly???

At the time of hacking your

So, you can change the pass, yes.. Or already changed… However it doesn’t matter, my malware renews needed data regularly.You have typed passcodes on the online resources you visited, I caught them.

I’ve installed special soft on the adult videos (porno) site
and guess that you visited this site to have fun (you understand what I mean).

While you have been keeping watch on video clips,
your OS started out to act like a RDP
having a keylogger that provided me access to your PC and network camera.

What actually I have done?
I generated a backup copy of every your system. Of all the files and each contact.
I formed a dual-screen videofile.
The first part shows the clip that you were watching (you have got an interesting
preferences, ahhahaaha…),
and the second screen displays the recording from your own camera.

What exactly should you do?
In general, I think, $541(usd) will be a fair value for our small riddle.
You will make the deposit by bitcoins
(if you do not understand this, go searching “how to purchase bitcoin” in any search

My bitcoin wallet address: 18u9XJV35J2vCTccw5gLRp5Ha69fdJe1fK
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).

You will have 3 days in order to make the pay.
(I have an unique pixel in this message, and at the moment I understand that you’ve
read through this email).

In case I fail to get bitcoins,
I shall undoubtedly send your film files to each of your contacts, along with
relatives, co-workers, etc?