1M2bs3p576Wkyw7xCo5kXpSZfANfnQDhRH 「詐欺メール」



メール本文 Hello! I have got some bad news for you. Two months ago, I have received access to all electronic devices you use for browsing the internet. After that I have started tracking your entire web activity. I think you know what I mean…I have managed to edit a few clips, where you eagerly cum, and I have included the films you were watching while masturbating. Rest assured that I can easily send this interesting video to all your contacts, friends, relatives or simply post it on the web with just one click of mouse. I don’t think you would like that to happen. It is going to be really shameful and tragic for you. Well, I don’t want to put you in situation like that, since I see that you are a decent and honest person. Hence, I offer you a deal: You transfer 1450 USD in Bitcoin equivalent to me and I once the payment is received, I will immediately delete all the evidence against you. I have been working on you and your files for two months by now, and trust me, this was just a chicken feed for me! If you don’t know how to purchase and send Bitcoins, then you can simply use any search engine (Google is just fine) for assistance. So, here is my Bitcoin wallet: 1M2bs3p576Wkyw7xCo5kXpSZfANfnQDhRH I give you 48 hours to send me money. Please don’t respond to my email, since it makes no sense. I have created this letter in your email, and the reply address I have obtained from a single email database. It makes no sense to ask someone for help either, because this mail cannot be tracked and Bitcoin transactions are always anonymous. Everything has been deliberately planned. I see all your chats, wiretap your calls and spy on you. Likewise, If I ever find out that you told anybody about this letter – the video will be immediately shared on web! As soon as you open this letter, I will receive an automatic notification and start the countdown right away. Good luck, and wish you never get a phishing like this again in future!